Kaspersky Anti Virus 2013

Kaspersky is one of the leading company offers wide variety of protections to your computers running Microsoft Windows operating system. Recently, the company has managed to release newer version of world’s best Antivirus program as well as Internet Security app. Yup, meet the Kaspersky Anti Virus 2013 (KAV2013) and Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 (KIS2013). Both version has been released with enhanced scanning engine compatible to run on latest Microsoft’s OS, the Windows 8.
As a premium program, both KAV2013 and KIS2013 becomes hottest topic in wide-range underground warez forums as it also gets huge demands of people looking for full version license activation keys (aka Serial Number / SN). However, that also proves how popular this app is.
According to its press news, the new KIS2013 comes accorded with a bunch of awesome key features including: Protects against all viruses and Internet threats, Safe Money technology delivers greater security for online transactions, Safeguards your digital identity and privacy, Identifies suspicious websites and phishing websites, Keeps your children safe and responsible online, Prevents malware from exploiting vulnerabilities on your PC and so on.
For budget lovers and home users, KAV2013 would be a nice alternative as it comes equipped with cool features like: Protects against all viruses, Detects new, emerging and unknown threats, Identifies suspicious websites and phishing websites, Prevents malware from exploiting vulnerabilities on your PC, and Automatic download and installation of new released features.

Download Link

Normally, when you download the app you’ll get its web / online installer. However, somehow and surely you’ll need its standalone offline installer for multiple installations on many PCs. Hence, here’s official direct link to download both KAV and KIS 2013.
- Download KAV 2013 (147MB)
- Download KIS 2013 (158)

Anti Deep Freeze 7 ( Pembobol Deep Freeze )

1. Buka tool anti deep freeze 0.4 yang bisa di download di sini
2. Pada “Bypassing method” pilih “Bypass exist process”

3. Klik “Start”
4. Akan muncul “enter password”. Kosongkan password dan klik “OK”
5. Klik menu “Password “
6. masukkan password baru anda pada ” Enter New Password” dan “Confirm Password”
7. Klik “Apply anda reboot”. otomatis komputer restart dan pergantian password selesai.

Selain cara diatas, anda juga bisa Menggunakan fitur “Open new process (Recommended)”.

Berikut cara nya:
1. Pada “Bypassing method” pilih “Open new process (Recommended)”
2. Akan muncul “enter password”. Kosongkan password dan klik “OK”
3. Pilih “Boot thawed”
4. Klik “apply and reboot”. Otomatis windows akan restart
5. Setelah restart, maka sudah dapat di pastikan Deep Freeze 7 anda sudah menjadi non aktif. Karena Deep Freeze 7 sudah non aktif maka anda bisa meng uninstal Deep Freeze 7
6. Untuk meng uninstal atau menghapus Deep Freeze 7 bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan sofware Deep Freeze 7. Bila sofware nya sudah tidak ada, anda bisa download kembali.
Cara Uninstal Deep Freeze 7
- Klik 2x pada sofware Deep Freeze 7
- Klik “NEXT”
- Klik “Uninstal”
Proses uninstal Deep Freeze 7 telah selesai. Jika anda masih ingin menggunakan Deep Freeze 7 bisa instal kembali Deep Freeze 7 nya.
Jika suatu saat anda lupa kembali password nya, anda tinggal gunakan tool Anti Deep Freeze 0.4 untuk menonaktip Deep Freeze 7.
Gunakanlah secara bijak.
Jangan digunakan untuk menghack, menjebol, Uninstal,
membobol, ataupun unlock Deep Freeze 7 pada komputer orang lain.
Selamat menggunakan Anti Deep Freeze 0.4 untuk Deep Freeze 7
